Anemia – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Anemia is called “Pandu,” which means “pale” in Ayurveda. Pandu rog is put into one of three categories based on which dosha (Vata, Pitta, or Kapha) is most dominant (Sannipataj). It happens when Pitta dosha is out of balance and Agni (the digestive fire) doesn’t work right. This makes Ama, or toxins, in the body. This Pitta dosha that is out of balance upsets the Pitta in the liver (Ranjaka Pitta) and the heart (Sadhaka Pitta). This causes heaviness in the tissues, which affects the blood, muscles, and Ojas. This can lead to a pale complexion, loss of strength, heart palpitations, dizziness, ringing in the ears, dry skin, fatigue, exhaustion, pain, irritability, shortness of breath, puff Most of the time, this is caused by eating foods that are sour, salty, hot, or smelly.

Causes of Anemia

Anemia happens when there aren’t enough red blood cells (RBCs) in your blood, which could be caused by

1. Blood Loss

The most common kind of anemia is caused by not getting enough iron. It happens when you don’t have enough iron, which usually happens when you lose blood. Blood loss can happen quickly or slowly over time. Rapid blood loss can be caused by surgery, giving birth, getting hurt, or a blood vessel that bursts. Most people have long-term blood loss. Anemia from blood loss can be caused by stomach problems like ulcers, piles, cancer, or gastritis, as well as by taking NSAIDs like aspirin or ibuprofen or by having your period.

2) Decreased or Faulty Red Blood Cell Production

Several diseases can cause the bone marrow to make too many white blood cells that aren’t normal. This stops red blood cells from being made the way they should be.

  • Sickle cell anemia – The crescent-shaped blood cells can also get stuck in smaller blood vessels and cause pain.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia – Too few red blood cells are made when you eat poorly, have your period, give blood often, or train for endurance.
  • Certain digestive conditions like – Iron deficiency can be caused by things like Crohn’s disease, surgery to remove part of the gut, and some foods, among other things.
  • Bone marrow and stem cell problem – When there are very few or no stem cells, red blood cells can’t grow and mature the way they should.
  • Vitamin deficiency anemia – Folate and vitamin B-12 are important for making red blood cells. If any of them isn’t enough, there won’t be enough red blood cells made.

3) Destruction of red blood cells

The average life span of a red blood cell is 120 days. When you have an infection, advanced kidney or liver disease, high blood pressure, clotting problems, or an enlarged spleen, your red blood cells can break down too quickly.

Clinical Features of Anemia

The following are some examples:

  • Pale skin
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Cold extremities
  • Irregular heartbeat

Symptoms of Anemia

Some types of anemia can show certain signs –

People with aplastic anemia often get sick and have skin rashes.

  • Folic acid deficiency anemia – Irritability, smooth tongue
  • Hemolytic anemia – Dark-colored urine, fever, abdominal pains
  • Sickle cell anemia – Painful swelling of the feet and hands, fatigue, jaundice

Herbal Treatment of Anemia

Consult Doctors at Matt India for effective ayurveda treatment for Anemia.

Tags : Panchakarma, Rejuvenation, Ayurveda Packages, Ayurveda Therapy in Kerala, Ayurveda Treatment for Headache, Ayurveda to Cure Digestive Disorders



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