
Importance of Karkidaka Masam with Ayurvedic Remedies

Importance of Karkidaka Masam with Ayurvedic Remedies

The last month of the traditional Kerala calendar usually falls in the middle of the rainy season there, between June and August. This time is called Karkidaka Masam, or Ramayana Masam in Malayalam. Ayurvedic treatments and practices are also thought to work best at this time. You will be Interested on : The Treatment of Karkidaka for Healing and Rejuvenation Importance of Karkidaka Masam During this time, there is a quick change in the

Kerala Ayurveda Knee Care

Kerala Ayurveda Knee Care

People of all ages often complain that their knee joints hurt. There are a lot of things that led to this. Knee pain can be caused by a sudden injury or by a condition that has been going on for a while, such as arthritis, a dislocated kneecap, or tendonitis, to name a few. How bad the pain is depends on the disorder and can be different for each person. Joint pain that is too much

Ayurveda Treatment

Best Kerala Ayurveda Treatment in Matt India

Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is based on the belief that health is a state of balance between the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda treatments are designed to restore this balance and promote overall well-being. You will be Interested on : Kerala Ayurvedic Treatments Matt India is an ayurvedic hospital located in Kerala, India. The hospital offers a variety of ayurvedic treatments, including: Panchakarma: This is a

Treating Hyperthyroidism with Kerala Ayurveda

Treating Hyperthyroidism with Ayurveda Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition caused by high levels of t3 and t4 and low levels of “Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.” This means that the thyroid isn’t working as well as it should. –Thyroid Gland Hyperactivity. You will be Interested on : Ayurveda Treatment for Thyroid Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism Fever, restlessness, weight loss, fatigue, sweating, heat intolerance, hand tremors, nervousness, irritability, palpitation, excessive fatigue, shallow respiration and menstrual disturbances. Causes of Hyperthyroidism according to Ayurveda All of the

Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Oesophageal Hiatus Hernia

“Hiatus hernia” is a common problem in women in their middle years and later in life. When this happens, the stomach pushes up through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. In Ayurveda, the part of the stomach above the diaphragm that looks like a tear is called Vidagdhajirna. Causes of Hiatus Hernia : Some of the main things that cause this disorder are being overweight or obese and eating a lot of spicy and sour foods. Stress, worry, tension, anger, and

Treating Hypertension with Kerala Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic medicine, high blood pressure in the arteries is called Rakta Gata Vata. The average healthy adult has a systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg. Causes of hypertension Most people today have high blood pressure because they eat unhealthy foods and don’t move around much. If you eat the wrong kinds of foods, you may have trouble digesting them. This can lead to a buildup of Ama, which in turn can cause high

Traditional Ayurvedic Weight Loss Programmes in Kerala

At Matt India, Ayurvedic Weight Loss Program lasts from 14 to 28 days and gives you a fresh start on a fit and healthy life. This programme guarantees that your metabolism will change in a real way. This programme helps you lose weight in a healthy way by giving you massages, rearranging your diet, and giving you pills to take by mouth. The programme includes a controlled Ayurvedic vegetarian diet and massages with herbal powders and enriched

Respiratory Diseases – Cured with Ayurveda

Respiratory Diseases are now worried about the growing amount of pollution in the air. Sad to say, the air we breathe is full of dirt, dust, and harmful gases. This makes our bodies more likely to get sick from diseases caused by these pollutants. In developed countries, diseases of the lungs and airways are some of the most common ways to get sick. Respiratory problems can be as minor as a cold or as serious as pneumonia. They can affect

Ayurveda Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Even the name “Parkinson” makes you break out in a cold sweat. It sounds dangerous and scary, doesn’t it? So, what is Parkinson’s disease, and why does it scare people so much? Parkinson’s Disease is a Motor System Disorder. It is a disease of the nervous system that starts to show up around age 50 and mostly affects older people. It is a disease that gets worse over time, which happens most of the time. Symptoms of Parkinson’s? Restricted and slow movements Muscle stiffness all

Treating Constipation with the Help of Ayurveda

Constipation is one of the most common health problems. Even one day without a full bowel movement can hurt and make you more likely to get sick. Ayurveda is one of the oldest ways to treat constipation. It is based on an understanding of vata, pitta, and kapha. What is constipation Constipation is a Vata condition that shows qualities like dryness and hardness. Constipation happens when the cold and dry qualities of Vata upset the colon and stop it from working. This

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