Treating Hypertension with Kerala Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic medicine, high blood pressure in the arteries is called Rakta Gata Vata. The average healthy adult has a systolic blood pressure of 120 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of 80 mmHg.

Causes of hypertension

Most people today have high blood pressure because they eat unhealthy foods and don’t move around much. If you eat the wrong kinds of foods, you may have trouble digesting them. This can lead to a buildup of Ama, which in turn can cause high blood pressure. The digestive fire helps the body break down the food it eats (Jatharagni). Plasma is made, which feeds all other dhatus (body tissues) and helps make healthy blood, which flows through the body through different channels.

When digestion slows down, digestive impurities, or Ama, are made from the nutrient plasma. The toxins that are made make the channels narrow. Because of this, the blood has to put on more pressure, which raises the blood pressure. Stress, worry, and other bad emotions can also raise blood pressure. Other causes could be genetics, being overweight, not getting enough exercise, eating a diet high in fat and low in fibre, or eating refined foods.

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  • Pain at the back of the neck
  • Palpitations
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Fatigue

Ayurvedic Regimen

Ayurveda is a way to treat high blood pressure that is more long-lasting and effective because it gets to the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms. The goal of the therapy is to find the problem’s root cause and then treat it with herbs that will fix it from the inside out. To do this, you must improve your digestion and strengthen the digestive fire (Agni).

Toxins that have built up in the channels need to be cleaned out.

Mind relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and pranayama, are suggested to keep the mind calm and stable. It is important to finish treatment for high blood pressure and follow all dietary and lifestyle suggestions.

Keep reading : Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension in Kerala

Diet and Lifestyle

  • Don’t eat meat, eggs, table salt, pickles, coffee, or tea.
  • Don’t smoke because it makes your heart beat faster.
  • Use more lemon, garlic, Indian gooseberry (amla), watermelon, grapefruit, skim milk, and cottage cheese.
  • The best way to lower blood pressure is to work out regularly. Brisk walking, jogging, and swimming are all good choices.
  • And, of course, laughter is the best medicine because it relieves stress and anxiety, which are the main causes of high blood pressure.

Come to Matt India for traditional and modern Ayurvedic medicine and treatments, such as Panchakarma treatments and rejuvenation treatments. With facilities for a wide range of high-quality ayurvedic treatments and an expert team of doctors and therapists, Matt India offers the highest standards and best practices that date back to Vedic times.



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