Manage of Liver Cirrhosis with the Help of Kerala Ayurveda Treatment

Cirrhosis is a side effect of many diseases of the liver. It is a long-term condition in which the liver slowly breaks down and fails because of long-term liver damage. Scar tissue grows in place of healthy liver tissue, making it harder for blood to flow through the organ.

When liver cells get damaged, a healthy liver can fix most of them, but when liver cirrhosis gets to the end stage, it can’t fix damaged cells as well.

Around 28,000 people die every year from cirrhosis, which is the most common cause of death.

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Cirrhosis is most often caused by drinking too much alcohol, having hepatitis B or C, or having fatty liver disease. However, there are many other things that can cause it.

  • Obesity is a common cause of cirrhosis, either on its own or in combination with hepatitis C or alcohol.
  • Alcohol-related liver disease If you drink a lot of alcohol for many years, it can hurt your liver in a way that lasts. Cirrhosis caused by obesity is killing more people.
  • Hepatitis C: Over time, hepatitis C can cause the liver to become inflamed and damaged, which can lead to cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis B and D: Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus. It can be spread by coming into contact with a person’s blood or other body fluids. Hepatitis B can also inflame and hurt the liver, which can lead to cirrhosis. To protect against this virus, all babies and many adults get the hepatitis B shot. Hepatitis D is an infection of the liver that can cause cirrhosis. It only happens to people who already have hepatitis B.
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) In this kind of liver disease, fat builds up in the liver, leading to liver cirrhosis in the long run. The increasingly common liver disease is linked to being overweight, having diabetes, not getting enough protein, and so on.
  • Autoimmune hepatitis is caused when the body’s immune system attacks liver cells, causing inflammation, damage, and eventually cirrhosis.
  • Inherited diseases– Cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, and glycogen storage diseases are all inherited conditions that make it hard for the liver to make, process, and store enzymes, proteins, metals, and other substances that the body needs. These conditions can lead to cirrhosis.


In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, many people don’t have any symptoms. However, as the disease gets worse, they may have the following symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss or weight gain
  • Jaundice
  • Fluid retention (oedema) and swelling in the ankles, legs, and abdomen
  • Spiderlike veins
  • A brownish tint to the urine
  • Light-coloured stools
  • Blood in the stool
  • Fever

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Ayurveda Management

In Ayurvedic medicine, the liver is called Yakrit. Most liver problems are caused by the pitta getting worse. When there is too much bile or a blockage in the flow of bile, this is a sign of high Pitta, which in turn affects the Agni or enzyme activities that are responsible for absorption, digestion, and metabolism.

Kumbha Kamala, according to Ayurveda, is the classic way to describe cirrhosis of the liver.

It is a stage of jaundice or hepatitis that is ignored or not treated, and when it gets bad enough, it makes the liver dry or rough (Kharathva or Rookshatva). The problem needs to be taken care of right away. Shodhana Chikitsa (detoxification through Panchakarma), Shamana Chikitsa (therapy), and Kayakalpa are all parts of the treatment (rejuvenation). Ayurvedic treatment can help improve the health of the liver and prevent it from getting worse.

For the best results, it is also important to stop using drugs, limit what you eat, and make other changes to your life.

Ayurvedic herbs for healthy liver function


Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory “spice” that is highly valued in Ayurveda because it helps to clean the body. It is often used as part of a diet to clean the liver. Turmeric is known to balance all three doshas, but it is especially good at calming Pitta. This makes it a good treatment for liver disease.


Ginger is one of the herbs that is used most often all over the world. It is thought of as a superfood because it gets rid of ama, or toxins, and helps digestion and breathing. Even though its Rasa and Virya make it potentially Pitta aggravating, when eaten in moderation, it can be good for the liver. As an antioxidant, ginger can reduce oxidative stress, fight inflammation, and stop other things that can cause fatty liver in people who don’t drink alcohol. You can add fresh ginger, ginger powder, or ginger supplements to your drinks and meals.


Cinnamon doesn’t just taste good; it is also very good for you. Ayurvedic remedies also often include cinnamon. With a sweet and sour taste, the herb is a great way to calm Vata and Kapha.


Amla, which is also called Indian gooseberry, has been an important part of Ayurvedic medicine for a long time. It is used in many herbal medicines, such as Chyawanaprash and Triphala. Amla is known for boosting the immune system and balancing all three doshas. Amla is good for your overall health and is thought to help lower the amount of toxicity in your body.

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There are no drugs that have been approved to treat diseases like fatty liver disease. Most people agree that maintaining a healthy weight is an important part of taking care of liver disease.



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