Treating Migraine with the help of Kerala Traditional Ayurveda

A migraine headache is one of the most common primary disorders. A person with a migraine headache feels throbbing on one side of their head. It is a neurological disorder that is complicated. With traditional medicines, it can be hard to get rid of them for good. Traditional treatments for migraines often have side effects, which makes people hesitant to take them. Instead, they choose complementary and alternative medicines like Ayurveda.

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Triggers of Migraine

Migraines don’t have a clear cause or cure. Stress, not getting enough sleep, not getting enough exercise, going on a fast, or a change in the weather can all cause migraine pain. Migraine headaches happen to different people at different times, and the symptoms can include feeling sick, throwing up, being sensitive to light, and having trouble seeing. Weak digestion raises the amount of Ama in the body and stops blood from flowing properly through the body and to the brain.

“The World Health Organisation ranks migraine as the sixth disease that leads to disability.”

Ayurvedic Approach

Ayurveda and yoga therapy are both very old ways of treating illness. When they are used together, they offer a more complete approach.

The Ayurvedic treatment for migraines is called Ardhavabhedaka. This treatment involves getting rid of Kapha dosha, which helps stop Pitta disorders. This is done with the help of samshodhana (bio-purifying techniques), kaya virechana (therapeutic purging), pathya ahara (a healthy, well-balanced diet), and vihara (a healthy, regulated lifestyle). All of these things help to keep all three doshas in balance.

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Migraine treatment in Ayurveda

‘Nasya karma” is indicated to uproot the deep-seated diseases of the head.

Nasal drops are known to be successful and are capable of breaking the samprapti (pathogenesis) of a migraine. The drugs used are indicated for Urdhvajatrugata Vikara in the classics. Amalaki, due to its sheetal [cool] potency, lowers the aggravated Pitta. Yastimadhu removes excessive Kapha. Sunthi pacifies Vata and Kapha. Aritha is Urdhva shodhana in the classics and can clear the blocked channels (strotoshodhana). The management of Urdhvajatrugata Rogas (diseases of the supraclavicular region) has a special place in Ayurveda.

Managing Migraine

Ayurveda can help bring balance to your life and treat migraines at their source. Let’s look at
Proper Food Habits: Depending on the type of headache and the patient’s body type, the patient must eat a diet that calms the dosha that is out of balance. Also, limit or avoid foods that cause migraines.

Following a healthy lifestyle- keep a regular sleep schedule, reduce stress, exercise regularly, eat right, and avoid migraine triggers to cut down on the number of headaches you get.

Yoga: Yoga can help keep you from getting migraines. It can also help relieve tension in the neck, back, and head muscles, which can make problems worse. Yoga helps both the body and the mind calm down.

Massage Therapy: Massage and stretching can also help reduce how bad and frequent migraine headaches are.

Meditation: Mantras and meditation can help you calm your mind and feel less stressed.

Herbal oils: A mixture of essential oils can help relieve headaches. Migraines can be helped by peppermint oils and balms.

Aromatherapy: Essential oils can get into the body through the skin, nose, bronchioles, lungs, and stomach.

Pranayama: Different breathing exercises work on the body, mind, and spirit in different ways. The Nadis are cleaned by breathing exercises. If the headache is caused by Vata, breathing through the other nostril can help (Anuloma Viloma). Doing lunar and shitali pranayama can help if the problem is caused by pitta. Kapalabhati pranayama can be helpful if the problem is Kapha dosha.

Nose drops (Nasya): A migraine headache can be eased by putting about five drops of Brahmi ghee in each nostril.

Nasya in Migraine: In Ayurveda, “Nasya treatment” means putting herbal oils or juices through the nose. It works well for ear, nose, head, and throat problems. In Ayurvedic medicine, Nasya is one of the panchakarma therapies.

Migraine pain is never easy to deal with. Migraine home remedies can help you get better without going to a doctor or pharmacy.

People say that drinking ginger tea can help stop or lessen the discomfort of migraine pain and ease the symptoms. You could also try putting a hot or cold pack on the scalp to make it feel better.

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Pain from migraines can only be stopped temporarily with regular medicines, and the pain can come back at any time.

Ayurveda gets to the bottom of the problem and gives you a way to heal from the inside out. Ayurveda restores the body’s Ojas by getting rid of harmful toxins and strengthening the nerves by making sure the blood flows well.



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