Traditional Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine

Migraines are painful health problems that can make it hard to go about your daily life. Whether or not someone has migraines, they may have heard about them and how hard they can be to deal with at some point.

Most people are scared of it because it gives them nail-biting, nerve-wracking headaches. But there’s more to it than that.

If you don’t get help for a long time, the pain can move to other parts of your head. Plus, the pain keeps getting worse, and in the worst cases, this neurological problem could keep you in bed for days.

Migraines can be dealt with, though, with the right treatment and remedies.

In this blog, we talk about how Ayurveda treats migraines, as well as a few home remedies for migraines.

What is Migraine?

Migraine is a disease of the nervous system that causes a throbbing headache that can be very painful and feel like it’s pulsing, usually on one side of the head. Most of the time, migraines can also cause nausea, vomiting, and a heightened sensitivity to light and sound.

Most of the time, the eyes, neck, nose, head, and face are where the pain is.

Also, modern medicine divides migraine pains into eight different types:

  • Migraine with aura
  • Migraine without aura
  • Migraine without head pain
  • Hemiplegic migraine
  • Retinal migraine
  • Chronic migraine
  • Migraine with brainstem aura

A migraine headache can last from four to 72 hours or even longer.

Ayurvedic medicine treats and manages migraines by looking at the whole person. In the next section, we’ll try to figure out how Ayurveda thinks about migraines and how it treats them.

Ayurveda’s take on Migraine

Ayurveda says that headaches (Ardhavabhedhaka) are caused by an imbalance in the Dosha levels. This change in Dosha levels can lead to bad eye health, trouble sleeping, an inability to concentrate and focus, and less work getting done.

Ayurveda takes a more complete approach to this problem by treating both the symptoms and the root cause.

As part of an Ayurvedic treatment for migraine pain,

  • Thorough detoxification.
  • Home remedies include the purest homegrown ingredients.
  • Lifestyle changes.
  • Refined diet.
  • Relaxation processes help ease the pain.

Also, since Ayurvedic treatments for migraines don’t involve lab-made drugs, it is impossible to overdose on them.

Home Remedies for Migraine

Here are some of the most common ways to treat migraines at home.

1. Refine Your Diet

What you eat can have a big effect on how healthy you are. And the same is true when you have a migraine. When you’re trying to get rid of a migraine, some foods might not be the best ones to eat. It’s best to stay away from these foods:

  • Bacon, sausages, and deli meat.
  • Cheese containing tyramine – cheddar, feta, blue cheese, etc.
  • Chocolates.
  • Limited consumption of alcohol. Red wine should be strictly avoided.
  • Extremely cold foods such as ice creams or cold beverages.
  • Beans.
  • Processed foods.
  • Pickles.
  • Cultured dairy, including buttermilk, yogurt, etc.
  • Dry fruits.
2. Inhale Lavender Oil

Lavender oil can help with the pain of a migraine. You can inhale it directly or mix it with a carrier oil and then inhale it. A migraine headache can also be eased by putting the oil on your temples and gently massaging them.

A 2016 study found that three months of lavender therapy helped cut down on the number and severity of migraine attacks.

A review from 2020 also looked at studies that showed how well lavender oil worked against migraines. In the end, it seemed like it might help with migraines. But more research needs to be done on the subject.

3. Use Ginger

Ginger is a natural home remedy that can help relieve migraine-related nausea. Ginger tea, in small amounts, may help with the pain and other symptoms of migraines, such as nausea, dizziness, etc.

Add a small amount of ginger to your food or tea every day to get the most health benefits.

4. Apply Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil has a chemical called menthol in it that can help stop migraine pain. A study done in 2019 looked at how well nasal 4% lidocaine and 1.5% peppermint essential oil worked. The goal was to find out how well migraines worked.

In the end, researchers found that 40% of the people who used lidocaine and peppermint treatments felt a lot better and their symptoms got a lot better.

If you have a migraine headache, put peppermint oil on your temples and massage it gently.

5. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a type of exercise that can help your body and mind work together. This can help ease different kinds of body pain and can also help with migraine headaches.

A 2015 study suggests that certain yoga poses (called asanas) can help with anxiety, stress, and migraines.

These yoga poses may help with migraines and their symptoms:

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog pose)
  • Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-legged forward bend pose)
  • Shishuasana (Child pose)
  • Janu Sirsasana (Head to knee pose)
  • Hastapadasana (Standing forward bend pose)

Migraine Cure in Ayurveda

Migraines can be treated in many different ways through Ayurveda. The best thing about these solutions is that they treat the problem where it starts. This makes it more likely that not only will the symptoms go away, but that they won’t come back.

In this part, we’ll talk about Ayurvedic home remedies for migraines and some Ayurvedic medicines for migraines. Consult our Experts at Matt India for a best ayurveda treatment package for Migraine.

Tags : Panchakarma, Rejuvenation, Ayurveda Packages, Ayurveda Therapy in Kerala, Ayurveda Treatment for Headache, Ayurvedic Remedies for Migraine Relief, Treatment For Sinusitis & Migraine



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