Treating Hyperthyroidism with Kerala Ayurveda

Treating Hyperthyroidism with Ayurveda

Hyperthyroidism is a medical condition caused by high levels of t3 and t4 and low levels of “Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.” This means that the thyroid isn’t working as well as it should. –Thyroid Gland Hyperactivity.

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Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Fever, restlessness, weight loss, fatigue, sweating, heat intolerance, hand tremors, nervousness, irritability, palpitation, excessive fatigue, shallow respiration and menstrual disturbances.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism according to Ayurveda

All of the things that the thyroid gland does that have to do with metabolism come from Pitta. Ayurveda says that kapha, vata, and pitta doshas are to blame for this problem. The thyroid doesn’t function properly because bad digestion leads to blocked channels in the body. People think that the disorder is caused by the “Aggravation of Vata and Pitta doshas.” When Vata and Pitta are out of balance, they overstimulate the metabolic fire, or Agni. This causes too much hunger, intolerance to heat, too much sweating, weight loss, a change in the doshas, and the direct depletion of Ojas, which is essential for tissue metabolism and helps our immune system. In turn, this makes more Ama, which is food waste that hasn’t been digested. The Ama and the unbalanced Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are then absorbed into the blood, and the Agni (metabolic fire) starts to go out.

When Agni isn’t working right, it moves up to the level of Shukra Dhatu and stops healthy tissues from forming one after the other. This goes on until the structure of Ojas is changed. Once the quality of Ojas is off, the messed-up Vata and Pitta, along with Ama, block the body’s channels. This makes the immune system go wrong, which makes it attack the thyroid gland and turn into a full-fledged autoimmune condition.

Keep reading : The Traditional Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment by Matt India

Ayurvedic Management of Hyperthyroidism

Instead of treating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism for the rest of a patient’s life, Ayurveda tries to fix the problem at its source. To get better from this long-term illness, the person needs to make changes to their life that reduce stress and take medicinal herbs. Ayurvedic treatment for hyperthyroidism starts with clearing the channels to bring the body’s energy back into balance and get the thyroid gland to work normally again. The Vata and Pitta doshas are out of balance in a person with hyperthyroidism.

Diet and Lifestyle suggestions

  • Every day, eat enough milk, pure ghee, and milk-based products.
  • Eat fresh fruits like bananas and melons, dry nuts like dates and walnuts, and other foods that calm
  • The Vata and Pitta when they are out of balance.
  • Yoga and meditation help bring balance to the Vata and Pitta doshas that have become too strong.

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Home Remedies for Hyperthyroidism

  • Mix the juice from cabbage, mustard greens, kale, and radishes together and drink one cup of this juice once a day.
  • Add about 10 grammes, or 2 teaspoons, of coriander seeds to a glass of water. Boil it and let it cool.
  • Take it twice a day after filtering the mixture.
  • Mix equal amounts of long pepper (Pipali), black pepper, and dry ginger powder. Take half a teaspoon of this mixture with lukewarm water twice a day.

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