Treating Eczema/Psoriasis with Kerala Ayurvedic

In Ayurveda, a skin disease is called Vicharchika. It is a skin disease that causes bumps and itching. With eczema, a buildup of skin cells causes a thick, scaly rash.

Ayurvedic Cure for Eczema

Ayurveda is a way to balance the five main parts of the universe, which are space, air, fire, water, and earth. When these things come together, they make up the three basic types of human constitution, or “doshas“.

Based on a person’s doshas, you should give them advice about what to eat and how to live. When a particular dosha is out of balance and has too much of it, these conditions show up.

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  • Vata dosha

The skin is usually rough, dry, itchy, and scaly. Other symptoms include constipation, trouble sleeping, anxiety, and insomnia. Cold, dryness, and stress can all make the skin feel worse, but oils and ointments can help.

Dietary Habits

The suggested diet includes naturally sweet, sour, and salty foods, foods that are warm and freshly cooked, spices like ginger, pepper, cinnamon, and cumin, warm drinks and fluids like soups and stews, and a lot of ghee.

Avoid foods that are bitter and pungent; foods that cool you down, like cold drinks and frozen foods; eating too many raw foods, like salads, fresh fruits, and processed foods; foods that are deep-fried; and foods that have refined sugar in them.


To keep Vata dosha in balance, you need to add heat, stability, and consistency. Having a plan for each day is very important. Yoga, walking, and swimming are all good types of gentle exercise that can help.

Keep reading: Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Various Skin Diseases

  • Pitta Dosha

Usually, the skin is red and sore. There is a painful feeling of heat in the body, which may be accompanied by swelling, inflammation in the body or joints, and feelings of anger, irritability, or frustration.

Dietary Habits

Eat foods that are sweet, bitter, and dry. Foods that cool you down, like cucumbers and melons, are suggested. Coriander, cilantro, fennel, and cardamom are some of the herbs that are recommended, as are freshly cooked meals. There also needs to be a lot of ghee.

Avoid foods that are spicy, sour, and salty, like chillies, tomatoes, lemons, citrus fruits, deep-fried foods, and red meat.


A Pitta person should live in a place that is dry and cold. Along with a daily routine for relaxing and doing other regular things like eating, sleeping, etc., it’s good to do moderate exercise.

  • Kapha Dosha

Most of the time, the skin here is cold, swollen, and itchy. This usually comes with feeling tired and having a slow metabolism. It can also cause depression, fluid retention, etc. Kapha is made worse by cold and damp weather, while warm temperatures help keep this dosha in balance.

Dietary Habits

Foods that are light, warm, and dry are good to have. Apples, pears, pomegranates, and apricots, which are all sour and sharp, can help balance out too much Kapha. So, too, do things like ginger, pepper, and black mustard.

Avoid heavy meals and foods that have been processed a lot. Raw foods are not as good as cooked ones. Also, stay away from dairy and cut back on nuts and seeds.


To stay warm, it’s best to stay out of the cold air as much as possible and do exercise like jogging, hiking, biking, yoga, etc.

Panchakarma is an important part of Ayurveda for treating eczema because it helps the body get rid of toxins. Purification helps get rid of toxins inside the body and calms the mind and nervous system at the same time. The treatment has to be completely unique for each person and should be done with the help of an ayurvedic practitioner.

Traditional Ayurvedic oil massage, herbal steam baths and Shirodhara are very helpful for most people with eczema, and they can be done as often as they want to improve lymphatic circulation, gently clean the body, and calm the body and mind.

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Here are some herbs and roots that help with eczema.

  • Neem: It gets rid of heat and toxins in the liver and blood, and it also stops itching.
  • Guduchi, which is also called Amrit, calms all three doshas but especially pitta, making it less hot and swollen.
  • Turmeric is a very healthy food. It is a strong anti-inflammatory herb that is used to cleanse the body, reduce inflammation, and stop itching.
  • Liquorice has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties that make tissues feel better.
  • Triphala is a traditional herbal mixture used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is made up of three fruits, such as amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki. It cleans the whole digestive tract, helps digestion and absorption, and makes the skin look better.
  • Jatamansi is the herb that calms the mind, restores the nervous system, and helps all three doshas stay in balance.
  • Ashwagandha is one of the most well-known Ayurvedic herbs. It helps reduce stress and calms the mind.
  • Tikta Ghrita (bitter medicated ghee) cleans the blood, heals the liver, and makes sure it works right.

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