Importance of Karkidaka Masam with Ayurvedic Remedies

Importance of Karkidaka Masam with Ayurvedic Remedies

The last month of the traditional Kerala calendar usually falls in the middle of the rainy season there, between June and August. This time is called Karkidaka Masam, or Ramayana Masam in Malayalam. Ayurvedic treatments and practices are also thought to work best at this time.

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Importance of Karkidaka Masam

During this time, there is a quick change in the weather, which has different effects on our bodies. When the temperature rises during this time, it throws off the balance of the Tridoshas. When Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are out of balance, it can make people sick and weaken their immune systems.

Ayurvedic medicine says that Karkidaka Masam is the best time for treatments and cures, even though it sounds like bad news. Because of the high humidity, the pores open up, which makes it easier for medicines that are put on the outside of the body to work.

Karkidakam month is important in Kerala because people who do Karkidaka vavu rituals offer “Moksha” to their dead ancestors and get a lot of rewards in return.

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Karkidakam and Ayurveda

Karkidaka Masam is thought to be the best place for Ayurvedic treatments because the humidity and rainy weather make the skin soft. Toxins and bad feelings are much easier to get rid of from the mind and body than at any other time. During Karkidakam Month, people who get Ayurvedic treatments are healthier, have stronger immune systems, and feel better in general.

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Different seasons affect the Doshas in different ways, and the Doshas then affect different parts of the body in different ways. After a hot summer, the rainy season makes food more acidic, which can cause stomach problems and even a serious fever. During this time, people get colds, coughs, skin problems, and lung illnesses.

The goal of the Karkidaka Ayurvedic medicines is to balance the three Doshas. The effect of this medicine is to make the body live longer. People think this is the best time for Panchakarma. People can notice a big change in their health and become more busy because of how well it cleans the body. When the air is humid, the skin is moist, and the skin is soft, the skin tends to receive the oil better, which makes Snehana and Svedhana easier.

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Ayurveda takes care of both the outside of your body and what you put in it. To get the most out of the Karkidaka treatment, you might want to change what you eat. When you think about how acidic food is, a meatless diet is best, but it’s not necessary. A strict lifestyle that includes exercise, yoga, meditation, and baths could help improve your overall health. This season is also thought to be holistic because the cold weather, beautiful rain, and surroundings all help to calm our minds and bodies.

Karkidaka Kanji is a food that the people of Kerala eat that is as good as medicine. People of all ages in Kerala eat this food because it has a key ingredient and is good for them during this season. A recipe for it can be found in the old texts of Ayurveda. It is made of many medicinal plants and herbs, as well as grains and spices. This is thought to be one of the best foods to boost the immune system and keep the body healthy. In a short amount of time, Karkidaka Kanji refreshes and cleanses both the body and the mind of all kinds of illnesses.

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The benefits of doing Karkidaka Chikitsa are:

  • Rejuvenation and Detoxification

Our modern way of life involves a lot of things that are stressful and polluting, which makes our bodies weak and messed up. We need to make changes so that we don’t put toxins into our bodies. Karkidaka Chikitsa brings about permanent changes in the body. It helps us get rid of the toxins in our bodies so that we can go from having a toxic body to having a clean, healthy body. Getting rid of these poisons could help us avoid many diseases, boost our energy, and clean our bodies, which would make us healthier.

This is good for both the body and the mind. Massages, meditation, and yoga all help improve the health and well-being of your mind. Less worry is felt, and people feel more alive. By getting rid of poisons, relieving stress, and cleaning the mind, the quality of life gets better.

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  • Immunizing the body and weight loss

The special Ayurvedic food helps the body’s immune system and Ojas get better. Because of this, almost all kinds of illnesses can be prevented. People with low immunity gain a lot from this change in diet and the treatments that help them live a healthy life. The cleansing factor helps keep the body clean and pure, slows down the aging process, and keeps the body’s most important parts in balance.

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During this time, fat deposits and extra energy are broken down, which helps get rid of extra weight. This helps keep your body from getting fat or too heavy.

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