Why is Karkidaka Chikitsa important?

Why is Karkidaka Chikitsa important

Ayurveda says that Karkidaka is the best time for treatments and other ways to take care of your health. The traditional Kerala calendar’s last month, Karkidaka, usually comes between June and August, at the height of the rainy season in Kerala. During the monsoon season in Kerala, there are often heavy clouds, rain, and strong, cold winds. The monsoon season often follows a very hot summer.

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Month of Karkidaka and Health

Ayurvedic texts from long ago say that the rise in humidity during the monsoon season throws off the balance of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. People in Kerala have been doing Karkidaka Chikitsa (treatment), which is good for general health and helps people deal with health problems during the month of Karkidaka.

People are sure that death and sickness are very common, especially during the month of Karkidaka. Most people are more likely to get sick or have health problems when the seasons change quickly. This includes gut, respiratory, arthritis, allergy and many other water-borne diseases.

But at the same time, Ayurveda says that Karkidaka is the best time for treatments and putting drugs on the outside of the body. Because of the high humidity, the body’s pores stay open, which makes it easier for medicines to work.

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Karkidaka Chikitsa

Ayurveda and Karkidaka Chikitsa take advantage of the Karkidaka/monsoon conditions to help reduce ailments, avoid illness, and boost health and immunity at the same time. The humidity and monsoon weather soften the skin, which makes it easier for Chikilsa and Ayurvedic drugs to remove toxins and bad energy from the body and mind.

To understand how the Karkidaka Chikitsa can help your body or why it works better during the month of Karkidaka, you need to know about the Ayurvedic ideas of Tridoshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which describe the physical makeup of the human body. The way different seasons affect these Doshas is different for each of them. When it’s hot, the body makes more toxins, which get worse during the cold, rainy seasons. Because of the buildup of toxins, these changes in the Doshas lead to different diseases.

Ayurveda says that the rainy season right after a hot summer tends to make food more acidic, which affects the Pitta Dosha and can cause stomach problems and fever. Kapha Dosha is made worse by cold weather, high humidity, and dirty food and water. This can lead to colds, coughs, asthma, lung diseases, and skin diseases.

The people who used Ayurveda in the past knew that during the rainy season, the human body is weak and more likely to respond to drugs and treatments. This information has been passed down for hundreds of years and is still used by the people of Kerala during the month of Karkidaka.

Based on Ayurveda, Karkidaka’s holistic approach to healing and rejuvenating mind and body focuses on getting the body’s Trisdoshas into balance and pushing out harmful toxins at the same time. A natural way to restore the body’s balance, keep diseases at bay, and boost energy levels in order to live longer.

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In Ayurveda, the Panchakarma treatment is used to clean out the body. This helps boost the body’s natural immunity and tolerance to many diseases. People say that this treatment works best in the month of Karkidaka because the humidity and wetness of the monsoon season make the Dhathus, or seven body tissues, soft and relaxed. This creates the perfect environment for oil treatments (Snehana) and steam treatments (Svedhana), which make it easy and effective to get rid of extra Doshas and cleanse the body.

Along with strict and controlled daily routines that may include massages, exercises, yoga, and meditation, strict dietary rules that are mostly vegetarian are also important during this time. With its cold weather and rain, the monsoon season is good for healing both the mind and the body. It is also a great time to relax. So, it is thought of as a whole.

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Benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa

Boosting Immunity

The defense system is called “Ojas” in the books of Ayurveda. The more Ojas a person has, the better their body is. When the amount of Ojas drops, the body is more likely to get sick from viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens that cause disease. Negative emotions, worry, not getting enough sleep or exercise, being addicted to drugs, being malnourished, living in a dirty environment, getting older, having bad genes, etc. can all hurt this ojas, or Immunity. Oushada kanji, or “Medical Kanji,” is a special diet in Ayurveda that is used during Karkidaka Chikitsa. It has been shown to be a great way to cleanse the body and improve the immune system.

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Detoxing the Body

Ayurveda and modern medicine both say that the way we live, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the chemicals and pollutants we come into contact with, and illnesses can all cause our bodies to build up toxins and throw off their natural balance. These imbalances can lead to health problems, which can be fixed by flushing out the dangerous impurities and toxins. Karkidaka Chikitsa could help the body unblock the energy pathways by stimulating the energy points, automatically improve the oxygenation of the cells and tissues, flush out the toxins, clean the body, and improve health.

Karkidaka Chikitsa isn’t just for getting healthier and feeling better about your body. The tight routines and dietary restrictions, as well as massages, exercises, yoga, and meditation, all help the individual’s mental health. Yoga, meditation, and exercise all help to control the body’s metabolism and hormone levels, increase oxygenation, reduce stress, and clear the mind of negative feelings and thoughts, which makes life better overall.

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Weight Loss

Ayurvedic medicine says that Sthaulya or Medoroga is a state in which the body stores extra energy as fat. Obesity, or gaining too much weight, is a problem that many people face all over the world. It makes people more likely to get long-term diseases and lowers their quality of life. Karkidaka Chikitsa helps break down fat stores in the body, tones the body, and changes the way the digestive system works. This makes the body lose weight naturally.

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Karkidaka Kanji

Most Kerala homes change their diets in the month of Karkidaka to naturally boost the immune system, which is one of the most basic things they do to avoid getting sick. The main part of this diet is Karkidaka Kanji or Oushadha Kanji, which can be made at home and is easy for anyone to follow. From the old texts of Ayurveda, Karkidaka/Oushadha kanji is a unique mix of medicinal plants and herbs, spices, and grains. It is a special therapeutic Ayurvedic diet that can boost immunity against most common diseases, improve the digestive system, and detoxify and rejuvenate the body.

Karkidaka Chikitsa is a way to heal and rejuvenate the mind and body that looks at the whole person. It can boost the immune system, cleanse the mind and soul, and revitalize the muscles, nervous system, and skin. It can trigger different energy points (Marma) in the body, which makes the person more flexible and agile as a whole, gives the body and mind a boost, and sets you up for long-term health.

Image source : keralatourism.org



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