Benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa (Monsoon Ayurvedic Therapy), the best way to a toxic-free life

When the time of Malayalam month Karkidakam arrives, one of the health aspect is highlighted which is Karkidaka Chikitsa, ( the treatment on the month of Karkidaka) – that is the Monsoon Ayurvedic therapy to detoxify and rejuvenate health for keeping you going throughout the year. It is the organic way to get your health back to its healthy roots.

Some benefits of Monsoon Ayurvedic Therapy

The process of detoxification

We are ingesting toxins and pollutants which accumulate in our system. It comes from polluted foods and polluted air grown with chemicals and pesticides, our food cooked with additives for taste, polluted water having contaminants and many such toxins. It results in body pains, allergies, swellings, depression and auto-immune disorders. Karkidaka Chikitsa mobilizes the toxins of your body and eliminates through channels of cleansing.

Boosting your Immunity

A major component of Chikitsa is the Oushada kanji that is prepared with herbs served proven to enhance and strengthen the immune system.

The body and soul rejuvenation

Several massage therapies are part of the chikitsa along with mental rejuvenation programs like meditation and yoga. This helps to improve circulation and increases oxygen and nutrient level of the tissues to refresh and rejuvenate the body.

Reducing your weight

Obesity and Overweight are the causes of many diseases and the chikitsa shed that flab by breaking down the fat deposits and tones your body.

However, Karidaka Chikitsa is a proven therapy it is advisable to consult the ayurvedic physician or Hospital before you start this therapy. Matt India Ayurveda Center has the extensive Karkidaka Chikitsa during this month.



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