Ayurveda Skin Care Treatment Package at Matt India

Ayurveda Skin Care Treatment Package at Matt India

Skin is an important part of the health and well-being of our bodies. Our skin holds the whole body together, like a roof. When someone is out of balance inside, it shows on their skin. Diseases on the skin are signs that something is wrong inside the body. Skin diseases can be different depending on where they happen and how bad they are. Ayurvedic Treatment for psoriasis is one of the most sought-after cures.

Some of the common skin diseases are

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Pimples and skin blemishes
  • Allergies

From an Ayurvedic point of view, skin diseases are caused by a bad diet and way of life. If you eat or live in a way that goes against your nature (Prakriti), you can create an imbalance in your body that can lead to skin problems.

The skin is the body’s first line of defence. It protects us from microbes, helps keep our body temperature steady, and gives us the ability to feel heat, cold, and touch. There may be more than one reason for a person to have skin problems. It can be caused by allergies, genes, irritants, diseases, or problems with the immune system.

Allergies are a group of conditions that happen when a person’s immune system overreacts to certain things. Red eyes, swelling, sneezing, itching and rashes, a runny nose, and shortness of breath are all common signs of allergies. In Ayurveda, the usual way to treat allergies is to get rid of the toxins that have built up in the body.

Aside from allergies, hypertension is another cause of flushed skin. It is called “Rakta dhathu dosha,” which means “unbalanced blood” or “dirty blood.” Herbal remedies and physical treatments are both thought to be good ways to treat hypertension. Nasya is a good way to get rid of the problems caused by allergies. Most people with hypertension don’t have any symptoms, but being inactive, getting older, and having other health problems can all put you at risk.

Raktha dhathu and Rasa dhathu work together, according to ayurvedic ideas, to nourish the skin. People who have a lot of pitta in their bodies are more likely to get skin problems than Kapha and Vata people. Raktha dhatu imbalance happens when you eat hot food, drink alcohol, spend a lot of time in the sun, or work in very hard conditions. When pitta is out of balance, the blood gets too hot, which throws off the balance of the raktha and rasa dhatus. A person with a lot of pitta has freckles and red skin. It is easily changed by heat.

In the same way, a Kapha dominant person has oily skin and is more likely to get whiteheads and blackheads. People with a lot of Vata have skin that is very dry and prone to getting older faster than it should. The goal of Ayurveda skin treatments is to help the body get rid of toxins and clean itself properly from the inside.

The ayurvedic skin treatment includes:

Lepas (herbal packs) : aimed at improving the texture of the skin and making it better.

Udwarthanam (Herbal peeling therapy) : It is a special therapeutic dry deep tissue massage that aims to tone and exfoliate the skin, improve the skin’s appearance, reduce fat tissue, and clean the skin by getting rid of toxins and other impurities.

Kashaya Dhara (decoction bath) : A type of Shirodhara in which kashaya, which is known to reduce Vata doshas, is used for the Dhara.

Pizhichil (oil bath) : It is a type of oil massage that combines Snehana and Swedana, which are both ways to treat pain. It is thought to be the best ayurvedic practise for strengthening muscles, dealing with stress disorders, and making the skin look younger, among other things.

Ksheeradhara (Milk bath) : It is a way to calm down and relax. It improves blood flow and calms the mind, lubricates the joints, and helps relieve muscle spasms and stiffness.

Khadirarishta : It is a medicine that helps with the early signs of leprosy and other skin diseases. It is well known for its ability to clean the blood. It gets rid of coloured spots, itches, and patches.

Pindataila : It is known as the best oil to use all over the body to get rid of vata rakta, which helps cure leprosy, other skin diseases, and cracks in the soles of the feet.

Sarivadhya Leha : It is widely used to treat different skin diseases because it is known to clean the blood well. It helps make more blood and gets rid of bile. It’s also a good way to treat malnutrition and improve health.

These treatments and herbal medicines help clean and feed the skin’s layers so that the skin can get its glow back. After liver cleansing (Virechana) for detoxification, herbal mixtures are used to clean the blood. This gives permanent support to the healing that the treatments bring about.

All of the above nourishing treatments help the skin get to a new level of health, which is the result of a change in lifestyle that started with getting rid of toxins.

Duration: 2 to 3 weeks, depending on how sick the patient is and how long the disease has been around.

Tags : Panchakarma, Rejuvenation, Ayurveda Packages, Ayurveda Treatment in India, Ayurveda Rejuvenation in India, Ayurveda Therapy in Kerala, Ayurveda Therapy for Glowing Skin & Hair, Udwartana Ayurveda Therapy, Pizhichil Ayurveda



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