Kerala Ayurveda Beauty Therapy Package for Glowing Skin and Hair

Kerala Ayurveda Beauty Therapy Package for Glowing Skin and Hair

Couldn’t your skin be brighter and softer? Is there anything you can do to make your hair smoother, healthier, or fuller? With the best Ayurvedic skin care and hair growth treatments, it is definitely possible.

There is no way to separate beauty and health. Part of looking beautiful is having nice skin. If you want your skin to look good, it needs to be healthy and fed well. The same is true of hair. Long, healthy hair has been a sign of beauty for a long time. Good skin and hair are signs of a healthy body. Having healthy skin and hair is the key to looking good.

Most people use cosmetics to keep their skin and hair in good condition. As people learn more about how harmful chemicals can be in everyday life, they are looking for natural solutions that don’t involve chemicals. Ayurveda can help with this.

At Mattindia Ayurveda, we have different ways to treat problems based on the person and their body type.

Siro Vasti

Shiro Vasti is an ayurvedic treatment that uses a pool of warm oil in a chamber above the head to treat the Shira, which is the head. Vasti means “a space that can hold” (in this case, the pool of oil over the head). The therapy has been shown to help with facial paralysis, excessive hair loss, lubrication of the nose and throat, and stress relief that can’t be matched. It makes hair feel better and is a good way to get hair to grow back.

Shirovasti Ayurveda
Sirovasthi Ayurvedic Oil Treatment
Kerala Ayurvedic Treatments

Mukha Abhyangam

The traditional way to massage and cleanse the face is to use herbal lotions and astringents that are made for each body type. The massage focuses on the Marma points on the face, neck, and shoulders. This gives the tissues a boost of energy and wakes up the senses. It combines herbal steam therapy for the face with a herbal face mask that is made for the person’s skin and body type. This is a relaxing massage that helps your skin look better and feel better. When facial massage and head massage are done together, the results are great. It is a tried-and-true Ayurvedic treatment for skin care.

Abhyanga Ayurvedic Oil Massage
Ways to Perform Abhyanga


A unique, custom-made herbal paste is put on the face. Mukhalepam is a simple Ayurvedic treatment for skin care that involves putting on freshly made face creams. In Malayalam, “face” is “mukham,” and “paste” is “lepa, lepana, or lepanam.” The exotic herbal pack has a paste made from a bunch of different herbs. It keeps your skin from getting wrinkles and a different colour all over. It stops the skin on your face from getting darker or changing colour, and it also treats diseases caused by sunburn. The herbal combination is chosen by looking at the person’s skin type and their own needs. This Ayurvedic skin care treatment fixes a lot of skin problems.

Ayurvedic Head Massage

Ayurvedic head massage is a healing method that has been used in India for more than 5,000 years. It uses many different kinds of pressure, like circular strokes on the head, shoulders, and neck. When these deep massage techniques are used with aromatic oils and Ayurvedic herbal formulas, they improve the condition of your scalp and hair. It also helps your body heal itself more quickly. It lubricates and conditions the scalp without using harsh shampoos, preventing flakes and dry scalp. Massaging your head with medicated oil on a regular basis can also help stop your hair from turning grey too soon. It helps new hair grow and makes the hair you already have stronger by strengthening the roots and feeding the hair shafts.

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Head Massage
Shiroabhyanga Ayurveda Head Massage
The Process of Shirodhara Head Massage

Navara Kizhi

In Malayalam, the word Navara means “60-day rice” (Shashtika Shali in Sanskrit), and the word Kizhi means “bolus” (Pinda in Sanskrit). Njavara is a type of rice that is native to Kerala and has health benefits. It is a unique therapy method that is used by Ayurveda doctors in Kerala. A large amount of medicinal oil is put on the head and body. After that, the body is massaged with a warm muslin bag bolus that has Navara rice puddings cooked in the herbal decoction. When the boluses are cool, they are dipped in a mixture of warm milk and herbal decoctions that makes people sleepy. The milk and other ingredients in the Navara facial cleanse well, while the rice exfoliates and nourishes the skin, leaving it soft and glowing when the treatment is over. The Navara facial helps with acne vulgaris, hyperpigmentation, dull skin, and skin with spots.

Navara Kizhi and their Benefits
Njavarakizhi Ayurveda Body Treatment
Best of Kerala Ayurveda Slimming Therapy

Hair Nourishment Treatment

According to the Ayurvedic view of the body, the health of your hair shows how the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) in your body work together. Since all of us have a mix of these three doshas, it’s likely that your hair will have characteristics of more than one dosha. Rarely will you meet someone whose hair is all Vata, all Pitta, or all Kapha. Here are the main traits of each of these three hair types, which you can use to figure out which one is the best match for your own. Ayurvedic hair loss solutions like Neelibringadi Keram, Kesini Oil, and Virgin Coconut Oil have essential nourishing ingredients like Bhringaraja, Brahmi, Amla, and Neelini. These ingredients help provide holistic hair care and act as natural remedies for baldness, dandruff, dry hair, split ends, and hair loss.

Healthy Hair: Ayurvedic Guide

Siro Dhara

It is a very relaxing method that uses special instruments to move a steady stream of warm therapeutic oils (Tail Dhara) or medicated buttermilk (Takra Dhara) across the forehead in a rhythmic way. This is often done after Abhyangam. This therapy works well for treating mental stress and diseases that come from the mind. It calms your body and mind and helps you sleep well.

Shirodhara Ayurveda Treatment
Shirodhara Ayurvedic Massage

At Mattindia Ayurveda, we use safe and effective Ayurvedic therapeutic strategies that are tailored to each patient’s needs to stop hair loss and improve skin health. Make an appointment now to find out more about how to get your hair to grow back and how to take care of your skin, as well as how much they will cost.

Tags : Ayurvedic Beauty Treatment, Panchakarma, Rejuvenation, Ayurveda Packages, Ayurveda Treatment in India, Ayurveda Rejuvenation in India, Ayurveda Therapy in Kerala, Shirovasti Ayurveda, Abhyanga Ayurvedic Oil Massage, Njavarakizhi Ayurveda Body Treatment, Shirodhara Ayurvedic Massage



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