Healthy Hair: Ayurvedic Guide

Healthy Hair: Ayurvedic Guide

Healthy hair reflects the vata, kapha and pitta ratio present in your constitution. It is really rare to come cross someone having any such hair constitution exclusively.

Ayurvedic Hair Types

Healthy Kapha type: It is typically thick, coarse, strong, full, lustrous and wavy.

Healthy Pitta type: It is soft, straight, moderate thick, predictable and fine.

Healthy Vata type: It is relatively thin and coarse, curly, straight or perhaps combination of both, bit unruly and grows quickly.

Common Imbalances

Imbalances might affect both hair appearance and strength. Given below are few symptoms of the dosha compromising your hair

Excess Kapha: Causes thickness, heaviness of hair and excessive oiliness.

Excess Pitta: Causes heat within hair follicles, thereby leading to early greying, premature thinning and baldness.

Excess Vata: Causes frizzy, dry, lustreless and brittle hair.

Holistic Hair Care Approach

Amalaki: An important ingredient in triphala, is potent rejuvenative and has high natural antioxidant source. It offers powerful cooling, eliminates toxins and great for hair care routine.

Bhringaraj: It is also called ‘ruler of hair’ and a cooling herb, having powerful affinity towards hair roots. It boosts abundant hair growth, safeguards natural luster and color, calms mind and cools head.

Triphala: It includes amalaki and offers detoxification and rejuvenation to pacify naturally all three doshas and supports hair.

Brahmi: It helps to quiet, soothe and cool the mind, while boosting calm tranquillity. It also nourishes the hair, scalp and digestive tract.



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