The Benefits of Ayurvedic Head Massage

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Head Massage

The Shiroabhyanga

The ” Shiroabhyanga” is the Sanskrit word for ayurvedic head massage that means the application of oil, called “Abhyanga” and to the head, said as “shiras”.

The head is the seat of several important marma points that control the flow of prana, known as “vital energy” throughout the body. The Ayurvedic head massage is an effective therapeutic tool to induce relaxation and healing.

Nothing is comparable to the therapeutic massage you receive from an experienced ayurvedic practitioner.

The self-massage of the scalp and head are very beneficial for one’s regular health and hygiene practice, also known as “dinacharya“.

Benefits of Ayurvedic head massage

Benefits of ayurvedic head massage has ancient ayurvedic wisdom that includes:
  • Deep relaxation that leads to relief from stress, tension headaches and release of nervous tension.
  • Improves the sleep quality and relieves insomnia.
  • Improves the condition of the scalp and hair, stimulates and deeply nourishes the scalp and hair roots to prevent premature greying and baldness.
  • Restoring harmony and balancing the body’s three doshas.
  • Improves concentration and clear functioning of the senses.

The right method for Ayurvedic head massage

Warm the oil to make you feel relaxed and comfortable. Don’t make it too hot to avoid getting uncomfortable. This is done easily with the help of an electric coffee mug warmer. Or place the oil in the separate container and put it in hot water.

Generously apply the oil to hair, head and scalp. Massage gently in circular motions of neck, head and face. Ensure to give ample time to massage the scalp, entire crown, the forehead, ears, temple, behind the ears and neck area.



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