Postnatal Care Using Ayurvedic Massage Oils

Postnatal Care Using Ayurvedic Massage Oils

The journey of tri-trimester of carrying your mini-me version would be a roller coaster ride to cherish all life. The news of being pregnant to sensing those little flutters in your tummy is a mesmerizing voyage.

Nine months of pregnancy imposes mental and physical demands on the mother, and after childbirth. The mother focuses her energy on caring for and nurturing her baby. This would take a toll on the child bearer’s health. People are becoming more conscious and aware as they approach Ayurveda to support their journey from pregnancy to motherhood.

Ayurveda for motherhood

The three months post-delivery is crucial for the mother, as the body experiences tremendous transformation at this period. The uterus expands 500 times its size and shrinks back to normal position, muscles, ligaments and tendons associated with the uterus gain back its lost power.

Ayurveda exhibits its branch to illustrate the ways and importance of postnatal care. It reduces mental and physical stress.

Postnatal care with Ayurvedic oils

The pivotal part of Ayurvedic postnatal care is the use of oil massage or abhyanga. The abhyanga helps to quickly recover the mother’s body. Regular ayurvedic oil massaging relieves the stress of the muscles and boosts blood circulation. This soothes the aching body and eases the process of recovery.

The lactation issues can be treated with ayurvedic oil massage for regaining the size and firmness of breasts post-delivery.

Key points to highlight the benefits of Abhyanga

Ayurvedic oil massage gives relaxation

The postnatal massage relaxes the whole body and recovers from sleeplessness, enormous strain and pressure during childbirth. This flushes out the stress causing toxins from the body and promotes good sleep that is essential for the new mom.

Ayurvedic oil massage enhances blood circulation

Massage stimulates the blood and oxygen circulation of the body by reducing anxiety, fatigue and other health issues in new mom’s.

Enhanced production of breastmilk

New mothers face issues in the milk secretion to feed their little ones. These issues are treated with postnatal massages. It releases Oxytocin hormones to stimulate the milk ejection reflex as well promotes breast milk production. This increases the adaptation hormone called prolactin to help the breasts regain their size and shape.

Removes the Stretch Marks

The postnatal massages lighten the stretch marks. Ayurvedic oils like Almond oil or “Nalapamaraadi” helps in dealing with stretch marks.

Reduces weight

Women put on weight during pregnancy. Regular ayurvedic massages reduce the water weight by toning the whole body.

Controls the stress hormones

The postnatal massages regulate the stress hormones said as cortisol and makes the new mom happy and relaxed.

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