Head Massage

Ways to do Self Head Massage with Warm Oils

Ways to do Self Head Massage with Warm Oils

Ayurveda suggests having a therapeutic head massage once in a fortnight for keeping your doshas in balance as well as providing rejuvenation to the head and scalp region. This could not be possible for people to visit the Ayurvedic practitioners regularly. In these circumstances, you can do self-massaging with dosha specific Ayurvedic oils to have similar benefits as you avail at massage centers. As a preliminary step, determine your Prakriti and find the doshas needed to be

The Process of Shirodhara Head Massage

The Process of Shirodhara Head Massage

The process of Shirodhara involves treating your forehead, as the nerves are highly concentrated by pouring a stream of warm Ayurvedic liquids. Gentle pressure of warm medicated liquid is applied on the forehead leaving you in a meditative state. The procedure to be followed are For this massage technique, you can lay on your back on the Shirodhara table. Pillow or a small cloth can be placed under your neck for support. The Shirodhara pot contains medicated liquid hanging from

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Head Massage

The Benefits of Ayurvedic Head Massage

The Shiroabhyanga The ” Shiroabhyanga” is the Sanskrit word for ayurvedic head massage that means the application of oil, called “Abhyanga” and to the head, said as “shiras”. The head is the seat of several important marma points that control the flow of prana, known as “vital energy” throughout the body. The Ayurvedic head massage is an effective therapeutic tool to induce relaxation and healing. Nothing is comparable to the therapeutic massage you receive from

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