oil massage

Kerala Ayurveda Treatment for Rejuvenation Detoxification

Life has become too fast to handle, which not only affects us on the outside but also causes an internal imbalance that leads to a lot of lifestyle diseases. On top of that, things like seasonal imbalances, a buildup of emotions, erratic eating habits, a bad diet, and resisting natural urges make the situation even worse. Matt India The Ayurvedic Healing Village is the best way to deal with stress and stay healthy. Through herbal oil massage, steam therapy, special herbs, an

Some of the Best Body Massage Oils

Massage oil untangles the knots, tissues and muscles in your body. It relaxes your body by melting away your stress. It helps your hands to easily glide over the skin without causing rashes or irritation. Picking any random massage oil will not give the right relaxation effect. Likewise, not all types of oil are suitable for body massage. Know the difference between ayurvedic massage oils and choose the best-suited ones. Almond Oil Massage If your skin is dry and has a Vata dosha,

How oil is to be applied the correct way on your hair

How oil is to be applied the correct way on your hair?

You will require the following If your hair is to be wrapped, then take an old towel. Take a bowl or pot filled with some hot water for warming oil bottle. Take healthy oil or hair oil of choice. Directions to follow Keep the oil bottle in hot water bowl or pot and wait for couple of minutes allowing warming up of the oil. Then, part your hair right at the center. Apply oil lightly onto your scalp all along the part. This is to be

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