
Ayurveda Kerala Tourism

Ayurveda and Kerala Tourism

As per Ayurveda, health is the state of physical and spiritual attainment. It’s the metaphysical healing life science- considered as a mother of healing arts. Ayurveda assists the diseased person to regain their health and healthy person to maintain their health. The Land of Ayurveda is known to be Kerala. They are world-popular for ayurvedic treatments. Kerala’s Ayurveda is the bliss of South India. It is the only state of India to use Ayurveda as the mainstream medicine. There are many

Ayurvedic Arthritis Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment Package for Arthritis

Matt India is the leading arthritis ayurvedic centers of Kerala, that stick to reliable ayurveda treatment methods. We’re located in the southern state of Kerala to offer ayurvedic treatment for arthritis since the past few years. We use Ayurveda for optimal healing. We bring it back to normal state, by eliminating the impurities. Our treatments involve purification therapies that have external and internal medicaments of herbal origin. Curative measures include herbal decoctions and so on. We provide authentic treatment to rejuvenate your

Benefits of Navara Kizhi

Navara Kizhi and their Benefits

In Ayurveda, Navara Kizhi has been an essential treatment. This can help suffering people from ailments and gives relief. Let’s see the details of kizhi. Here the key ingredient used is Navara Rice. According to Ayurveda, Navara rice is the best Ayurvedic medicine, also known as Shastika Shali (Orza Sativa). Ashtanga hridayam has two kinds of Navara rice like black and white. White Navara rice is medicinally superior. Navara rice has an important role in Karkidaka Chikitsa. Bran oil can be

Hypertension – (High Blood Pressure) & Ayurveda Treatment

Hypertension – (High Blood Pressure) & Ayurveda Treatment

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is caused due to elevation in the pressure levels of blood in its blood vessels. Severity in condition is based on the patient’s age, diet plan, sex, family history, physical and mental activities. Factors of hypertension The causes of hypertension is due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diet. Busy life schedules can make people rely on packed food or fast foods loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Addicted food items and junk foods create digestive problems leading to

Ayurvedic Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Ayurveda Treatment in Kerala

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune illness that results in chronic joint inflammation. It can also induce inflammation in the tissue around the joints and other body organs. Autoimmune disorders are illnesses caused by the body’s immune system mistakenly attacking its own tissues. The immune system is a complicated system of cells and antibodies that is meant to seek out and remove foreign intruders in the body, especially infections. Antibodies in the blood of patients with autoimmune illnesses attack their own

Ayurvedic Treatment for Insomnia

Ayurvedic Treatment for Insomnia in Kerala, India

Difficulty in sleeping, difficulty to stay asleep, waking up too soon and unable to return to sleep is commonly termed as Insomnia. Sleep deprivation will make us tired alongside sapping our energy level thereby affecting our state of mind, health, work life and personal life. Short-term (acute) insomnia is experienced by some adults that results from stress or a traumatic event. It may also be associated with other medical conditions or medications. Causes of Sleeplessness There are many reasons that cause sleeplessness in

Treating Bacterial Skin Infections Through Ayurveda

Treating Bacterial Skin Infections Through Ayurveda

Streptococcus and Staphylococcus are the most common bacteria that cause skin infections. This could lead to cellulitis and boils. The main causes of bacterial infection on the skin include as follows Although everyone is exposed to bacteria, only some are affected by infections due to factors like: Low immunity Diabetes Obesity Damaged skin caused by eczema, cracks, burns or dry skin Injury or trauma due to accidents Injecting without proper aseptic precautions during the surgery Infection spread through pillow covers, razors and towels Diseases like cancer and HIV could precipitate The

Anaemia The Common Problem In Women

Anaemia – The Common Problem In Women

Almost 27% of people are found to be anaemic in the world. Many live in third world countries, where Indians account for a quarter of the whole. Women are more anaemic in India. Based on a survey of NFHS, 58.6% of children, 53.2% of non-pregnant women and 58.6% of children in 2016 suffered from anaemia. Half of the children and women population are still under deficiency, despite getting into an anaemia control program. Act fast and act now. Let us know the

Anti-aging With Rasayana treatment

Anti-aging With Rasayana Treatment

Ayurveda states that natural youthfulness has been preserved all through your lives, when life is conducted along the compliance with Prakriti to maintain your mind constitution and the natural body. While having your happiness, creativity, vitality, and inner growth, rejuvenation seems crucial. If we have a look at Ayurveda’s anti-ageing and life longevity techniques, we use methods that restore the conscious memory of each cell present in your body demanding purification and rejuvenation. Consequent experience is stronger outside and silent inside acting

Rejuvenation Ayurveda Therapy for Monsoon

Person could remain healthy all through the year, but in Kerala several Ayurvedic rejuvenation programs boost the well being of the physique and the mind in the Malayalam month of Karkidakam (July-August). This is due to the changing seasons that leave an impact on the body. In the summer and rainy seasons, the body gets weakened and is prone to diseases. The result is the onset of various ailments as the rains set in. Regenerative therapy like sukha chikitsa

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