Managing stress with Ayurveda

Managing stress with Ayurveda

Is stress playing a major part of your life? Majority of us would respond with a YES! Stress is the universal element of human experience in modern days. Some amount of stress in life can be productive, but excess stress can be harmful for the overall emotional, mental and physical well being. Ayurveda unleashes a delightful perspective on stress management.

Managing stress with Ayurveda

Slow down the process

The most essential step to balance life and manage stress is to slow down. When we are carrying the quick paced , occupied life it seems impossible to slow down. But that doesnt always be the answer.

We can start to have courage to slow our balanced way of life, our daily schedule, taking baby steps at a time, the rewards seem satisfying.

Along with time, positive changes can fortify our intentions and tend to slow down a little more. The start is the core of an entire endeavour.

One best way to lower our pace is to devote for a purposeful self-care, ensure to take time each day to stay quiet, still and get immersed in self-nourishment.

Quality self-care

Devoted and purposeful self-care is the recuperating process and serves the great opportunity to practise the self-love. The committed self-care practise reaffirms a profound commitment towards self well-being and towards vibrant health.

Give importance to adequate rest, nourishing activities like yoga, meditation, listening to soothing music to keep focused when navigating the turbulence of the world around us.

There are several approaches to nurture and care ourselves. The feelings of relaxation, stability and warmth bestows to balance our abundant stress. It is mandatory to follow your instinct as you know the best. Here are some practises to tackle stress management of your daily life.

Have a soothing bath

Bath relaxes your nervous system, calms the mind, soothes and releases tension.

Do oil pulling

The conventional method of self-massages with medicinal and therapeutic oil soothe your nervous system, promotes healthy circulation of the body, lubricates and refreshes the tissues.

Nasaya practise

Application of oil to the nasal passage is the nasaya practise. It enables unobstructed breathing, calm delicate tissues, releases accumulated stress and supports mental clarity.

Feet massage

You can apply oil to your feet before heading to sleep. This reduces stress, calms the nervous system and promotes sound sleep.

In Nature

Have a gentle walk, sit near the stream, consume a beautiful view, surrender your body to the earth’s surface to rest and digest.

Read an inspiring book

The good read relaxes and rejuvenates your body to some extent.

Lie on the couch

You can soothe yourself by taking a rejuvenating noon nap or go for a long break.

Opt for a daily routine

Ayurveda recommends the daily routine called as Dinacharya for everyone. This is essential to individuals who want to balance excess stress. Go for easy steps of daily routine that includes early morning wake up, consuming meals, going to bed at same time each day, like maintaining an activity schedule or consistent work.

These activities exhibit profound impact on the nervous system, help to deal with stress and give better self-understanding.

Mind activities

Chronic stress disturbs the nervous system so the body reacts to every being as extremely menacing. Ayurveda refers to several therapies like yoga, pranayama and meditation as powerful techniques for resetting the nervous system, breaking this cycle, resetting the nervous system and developing a healthier physiological reaction towards stress. Several medicinal plants foster health of the nervous system and the mind with unbelievable support. We have to change our ways to cope up with stress.

Have a supportive diet

You have to opt for a balanced diet. The food must be nourishing and grounding. When considering for a pitta pacifying, vata pacifying or a kapha pacifying diet, focus on whole foods that are healthy. Minimize the consumption of refined sugars and processed foods in your ayurvedic diet. When you don’t get time to prepare your meals, root vegetables, soups, stews, you can opt for the simple preservative free foods as a choice.



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