Body Purification Therapy with Ayurveda

Body Purification Therapy with Ayurveda

According to the experts, Panchkarma is considered to be a part of Ayurvedic purification therapies. ‘Panch’ stands for 5, while ‘karma’ means actions. When literally translated, it means 5 systematic actions that are used to purify the body. It also helps to bring in balance amongst the aggravated doshas, thereby flushing out all ‘ama’ toxins that have accumulated in the minute channels, where they stick to the body. Normal elimination modes practiced is used by ‘Panchkarma’ to cleanse and purify the body like urinary tract, sweat glands and the intestines. This way, all disease causing toxins and doshas are eliminated for once.

Under this package, there are offered few programs, with an objective to restore the body’s vitality and vigor, which is achieved though elimination of toxins and improving body’s overall immunity through prophylactic and anti-oxidant properties. The physician is likely to advise Panchakarma combined with different rejuvenation therapies, based upon the individual’s requirements and constitution.

Panchakarma & its 5 Therapies

Vamana-Emesis Therapy: The oral canal expels the aggravated doshas (toxins) generated by the body. Generally, it is indicated for those suffering from ‘Kapha’ (phlegm) disorders.

Virechan-Purgation Therapy: The body through the anal route expels all imbalanced doshas. It is chiefly used in those disorders which are caused because of fire element (pitta dosha).

Vasthy-Errhine therapy: Liquids like milk, herbal concoctions and medicated oils are introduced through the anus in Ayurvedic Vasthys to heal or clean the body’s lower portion.

Nasya-Therapeutic Enema Therapy: Administration of medicine, in the form of powder or liquid within the nostrils, helps to purify and cleanse the nasal passage, thus providing relief to congestion in sinuses. Also, ‘prana vata’ is balanced.

Rakta Mokshana-Impure Bloodletting: This Ayurvedic therapy helps to treat numerous skin problems.

Panchakarma Kerala Ayurveda Treatment, Shirodhara Ayurveda Treatment, Pizhichil Ayurveda Treatment, Nasya Ayurvedic Treatment



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