Health Tips

Best Ayurveda Slimming Therapy

Best of Kerala Ayurveda Slimming Therapy

Matt India Panchakarma Centre provides authentic treatment to rejuvenate your body and spirit. We have slimming therapy packages for each individual based on their dosha / body type and identify the underlying factors to cure. Obesity is a huge problem for health, as it causes other diseases like diabetes, fatty liver, cancers, respiratory problems, cardiac disease, stroke, osteoarthritis, back and joint pain, gallstones, and blood pressure. There is no worries if you’re overweight, we’ve various Kerala Ayurvedic Treatments to lose weight,

Hypertension – (High Blood Pressure) & Ayurveda Treatment

Hypertension – (High Blood Pressure) & Ayurveda Treatment

Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is caused due to elevation in the pressure levels of blood in its blood vessels. Severity in condition is based on the patient’s age, diet plan, sex, family history, physical and mental activities. Factors of hypertension The causes of hypertension is due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diet. Busy life schedules can make people rely on packed food or fast foods loaded with chemicals and preservatives. Addicted food items and junk foods create digestive problems leading to

Rasayana Treatment (rejuvenation) is the part of Ayurvedic science’s

Rasayana (rejuvenation) treatment has Ayurvedic science comprising eight branches. The particular branch deals with multiple preventive health care elements. This operation takes the individual to youth’s vigour from the old age. The goal of this branch has Ayurvedic science to boost immunity and make your body energetic and younger. Ancient texts of Ayurveda like Sushrutha Samhita, Ashtangahridaya and Charaka Samhita details describe the Rasayana treatment. ‘Rasayana’ term comprises the fusion of two words ‘Rasa’ and ‘Ayana’. The word ‘Rasa’ has elixir vitae

Ways to Prepare Karkidaka Kanji

The nature of Monsoon Season In monsoon season the breeze begins from the ocean. Green plants grow everywhere. Rainy clouds pervade the sky. The water reservoirs overflow. The monotonous sound of ocean clouds, frogs and peacock sounds peculiarly. Rainbows, millipedes and lightning are very often seen. The algae and green grass appear everywhere mainly in kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica) flowers are seen in bushes. The state of Agni and Dosha in Monsoon Season The downpour and cooling of an environment after a harsh summer

Kasturi Manjal – The Best Skincare Product

Kasturi Manjal – The Best Skincare Product

Magical ingredients for our skin are around us. We just need to open ourselves to it. One such nature’s treasure is “Kasturi Manjal” or Wild Turmeric, used from time immemorial in India. Kasturi Manjal belongs to the Curcuma family. This herb is used primarily for cosmetic purposes. Kasturi Manjal or Wild Turmeric Kasturi Manjal is an excellent skincare product. It has anti-bacterial, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Kasturi Manjal is mild yellow in color with a camphor-like aroma and has a bitter taste. Kasturi

Have a Detox in Ayurvedic Retreats of Kerala

Have a Detox in Ayurvedic Retreats of Kerala

Ayurveda comprises the ancient Indian concept of medicine and wellness. More than a recent trend, Ayurveda has become a modern-day necessity. The chaotic world we live in is veiled by a stressful outlook on life. Western medicines do miracles to the daily maladies but it fails to give a holistic health. The holistic approach to health and wellness gives positive energy to fuel the minds and bodies for a purposeful life. Kerala has vacation destinations for all ages. They have been performing


Balance the Vata Dosha

The meaning of vata is to blow or move like the wind. The elements like space and air comprises vata that manages for all movements of mind and body. This controls the evacuation of wastes, blood flow, breathing and movement of thoughts across the brain. Vata is cold, dry, light, subtle, moving, changeable, quick and rough. Kapha and pitta dosha can’t move without Vata. The vata seems to be the pioneer of three ayurvedic body types. It is mandatory to keep

Ayurvedic Program For Women

Ayurvedic Program For Women

Woman’s role is played vital to balance health and fitness as a mother, a sister, daughter and daughter-in-law. The responsibility of women is increased as her role nowadays has extended towards the workplace too. Ayurvedic remedies for women Ayurveda gains great importance to the physiological conditions the woman goes through in her life. Physical problems of women may include lower abdomen pain, urine infection, leg pain, stomach pain, uterus problems and menstrual problems. There are several pathological conditions women encounter in their lifetime


Ayurvedic Remedies for Problems Faced by Women

Women undergo some common problems like irregular periods, premenstrual pain, acne, menstrual pain and anaemia. Certain allopathic medicines are available for these kinds of problems but taking painkillers or leaning on self-medication is not a good option. Switching to ayurvedic treatments can prevent the problems women face. Herbs can ease the pain and the discomfort women undergo. The option can be ayurvedic treatment for the painful menstruation. Every woman does face certain difficulties during menstruation such as

Combat COVID-19 with Ayurvedic methodology

Combat COVID-19 with Ayurvedic Methodology

Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine that has been originated in India, dated 3000 years back. The term “Ayurveda” is derived from the Sanskrit words “Ayur” depicting the life and “Veda” meaning science or knowledge. The classic Ayurveda depicted as Charaka Samhita unfolds epidemic management for boosting immunity as the ability to prevent and arrest the progression of the disease for maintaining homeostasis. The Ayurveda plays a larger emphasis on the mind’s strength building and body to cope with various

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