Rasayana Treatment (rejuvenation) is the part of Ayurvedic science’s

Rasayana (rejuvenation) treatment has Ayurvedic science comprising eight branches. The particular branch deals with multiple preventive health care elements. This operation takes the individual to youth’s vigour from the old age.

The goal of this branch has Ayurvedic science to boost immunity and make your body energetic and younger. Ancient texts of Ayurveda like Sushrutha Samhita, Ashtangahridaya and Charaka Samhita details describe the Rasayana treatment.

‘Rasayana’ term comprises the fusion of two words ‘Rasa’ and ‘Ayana’. The word ‘Rasa’ has elixir vitae or the first liquid tissues nourishing all the body’s tissues to circulate Rasa known as Ayana.

Rasayana is a kind of therapy to enhance and nourish all tissues of your body. The vital tissue nutrition stops untimely ageing.

Herbal medicines and therapies are used in Ayurveda for Rasayana. The Rasayana medicines are free of toxins in standard doses. It is amphoteric as the medicine acts like an acid or a base. When applying these medicinal remedies it doesn’t overtone your body.

Rasayanas assist to normalize physiology and have gentle eliminating features concentrating on multiple body organs. This feature stands out from the tonics.

The amphoteric herbs have a buffer to assist your body to the homeostatic balance. It helps to built the physiological balance.

Rasayana are used for various purposes like

  • To maintain health.
  • Delay untimely ageing.
  • The prevention of diseases and eliminate disease recurrence.

The benefits of Rasayana therapy

  • Enhancing the memory power.
  • Maintain good health.
  • Enjoy the long life.
  • Get glowing skin.
  • The calmness
  • Get a modulated voice.
  • Be resistant to diseases.

The mode of action

The mechanisms where Rasayana acts are interpreted as:

  • Exhibit the antioxidant action.
  • The nutritive function.
  • Has the anti-ageing action.
  • The immunomodulatory action.
  • The adaptogenic action.
  • Exhibit hemopoietic effect.
  • The anabolic action.
  • Has neuroprotective action.



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