Treating Hyperacidity with Kerala Ayurveda

Treating Hyperacidity with Kerala Ayurveda

Amlapitta or hyperacidity, is one of the things that happens most often. Hyperacidity is a set of symptoms that are caused by an imbalance between how much acid the stomach and intestines make and how well they protect themselves from that acid. Most of the time, the stomach makes acid, which is important for digestion. Hyperacidity happens when the stomach makes more acid than it needs to.

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People who have an imbalance of Pitta [heat energy] often get acid indigestion and heartburn. Stress, anger, spicy foods, and things like heat in the environment can make Pitta worse.

Pitta can be brought back into balance with a few simple changes to the way you live. This will help your digestion run more smoothly and help you feel more calm and happy.

Consuming Ahara [Diet] such as

Acidity can be caused by spicy, salty, sour, stale, or fermented foods, too much coffee or tea, and other things. The problem can be caused by not eating, eating late at night, or eating too much.

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The following Regimen (Vihara) can also lead to acidity:

  • Lack of sleep, living in a fast-paced world, worry, anxiety, fear, and anger
  • Not getting enough sleep at night.
  • Getting right to sleep after eating.
  • Trying to fight off natural urges.
  • Too much time in the sun and fire

All of these things increase the body’s “Pitta dosha” and cause symptoms of Amlapitta.

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Signs and symptoms

Heart and chest burn, sour burping, nausea, regurgitation of food or acidic substance, vomiting, gaseous distention of the abdomen, heaviness in the stomach, indigestion, headache, mouth ulcer, fatigue and more

So, it’s best to avoid all the things that can cause Amlapitta, like too much salt, oily, sour, or spicy foods; foods that are hard to eat or are eaten at the wrong time; smoking and drinking; and overcooked or stale food.

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Ayurvedic treatment

  • Avoid things that make your stomach acidic.
  • Palliative treatment: Since the disease is caused by Pitta, all efforts are made to calm it down.
  • Treatment with Panchakarma
  • When oral medicines aren’t enough to fix acidity, “Panchakarma Procedures” like Vamana (vomiting) or Virechana (vomiting) should be used, depending on what’s needed. Asthapanavasti, which is a medicated enema, is recommended for long-term cases.

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Essential Ayurvedic medications useful in Amlapitta

  • Yashtimadhu: 3 grams twice a day mixed with milk
  • Amalaki (gooseberry): 3 grams twice a day with water
  • Sunthi (dry ginger): 3 grams twice a day with water
  • Shatavari: 3 grams twice a day with milk

Home Remedies

Take the coriander seed tea (Dhanya) with sugar twice a day, along with coconut water, amla powder (3-6 gm) mixed with water, and Shatapuspa (Sauf) powder mixed with sugar and 20 ml of water twice a day for a week or until the symptoms go away. After each meal, chew half a teaspoon of fennel seeds.


  • Simple foods, Coconut water, and other foods that can cool you down
  • Vegetables like white pumpkin, bitter gourd, ash gourd that is fully grown, and leafy greens
  • Wheat, barley, green grain, cucumber,
  • Fruits like gooseberry, dry grapes, sweet lime, pomegranate, and dry figs
  • A sufficient amount of fluids like pomegranate juice, lemon juice, amla juice, fresh lime juice, and coriander seeds in water to make it healthier. Warm water.
  • Dadimpak (a sweet preparation made of pomegranate) Moramba (jam made from amla) and Gulkand (jam made from rose petals) with milk
  • Warm milk and one teaspoon of ghee
  • Take adequate sleep and rest.
  • Regularly do Yoga, Pranayam, meditation and exercise.


  • Too many spicy, sour, and salty ingredients
  • Fried foods and fast food
  • Overeating
  • a strange way of eating
  • Foods with too much garlic, salt, oil, chili peppers, etc.
  • Being in the supine position and lying down right after you eat The best place to be is on the left side.
  • Stress, cigarettes, booze, tea, and coffee

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Matt India is the center of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment, where ancient practices and modern methods come together in treatments like Panchakarma and rejuvenation. Matt India wants to make natural ayurvedic medicine more accessible by providing facilities for high-quality treatments that are on par with the highest standards and most beautiful traditions dating back to Vedic times.



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