Ayurveda for Weight Gain, Weight Loss & Obesity

Weight Gain, Weight Loss & Obesity

Overweight & Underweight in Ayurveda are considered to be signs stating that kapha, pitta and vata systems are in imbalance state. Irrespective of how little or how much food you consume, this might take place. If food intake does not get properly balanced by proper metabolism or digestion, then there may arise weight control issues.

People having kapha type of constitution are likely to face obesity or overweight problems. This dosha comprises of earth and water. As it gets imbalanced, the elements’ heavy characteristics tend to become exaggerated.

Your body-mind agility is reset permanently by Ayurveda to regulate on its own. This is achieved by improving your digestive fires, calming your nervous system and through regulation of fat and energy storage.

However, no universal approach exists in Ayurveda to solve problems. Rather, careful analysis is done of the persistent condition including the soul, body and mind. Accordingly there are devised strategies to meet the specific needs of each person. The approach to take again depends upon the individual’s dosha.



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