Ayurvedic Treatments for Infertility

Ayurvedic Treatments for Infertility

Ama pachana and Agni deepana

The toxins created when undigested food is formed in the stomach is called Ama formation, due to the imbalances in Agni, caused by the power of digestion leads to many diseases. The treatment of Ama usually involves the treatment of Agni, with the use of carminative and digestive Ayurvedic formulations. You have to eat meals at the proper time by following an appropriate schedule. The Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments eliminate the Ama by correcting the Agni. The Healthy Agni would contribute towards a healthy Ojas.

Vatanulomana for infertility

There is a main dosha involved in infertility for Vata. Therefore Vatanulomana mainly corrects the functions of Vata, that serves very important for the treatment of infertility. Routine exercises with Ayurvedic formulations and the strict diet schedule will help in Vatanulomana.

Use of Sodhana

There are sneha-swedas usually done prior to Sodhana. The treatment modalities such as Vasti (medicated enema), Vamma (emesis), Virechana (purgation) and Utharavasti special enema are administered through vaginal or urethral routes based on the patients condition.

The patient should follow peyadi krama as strict dietary regimen after following the Sodhana. The detoxification therapy expels the toxins out from the body. These therapies usually corrects the uterine, tubular and ovarian problems that cause infertility.

The Ayurvedic treatments releases the tension and removes the impurities from the body. It nourishes the body, strengthens the immune system and revitalizes the mind. They nourish all dhatus of the body, reduces the stress and are beneficial in pacifying Vata.

The use of Ayurvedic herbs

Infertility is caused as the result of some other disease. The herbs are used in treating the underlying cause of such diseases. Some commonly used herbs are Shatavari (Asparagus racemousus), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), and Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) are the useful formulations to create the synergistic hormonal balance of the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).

There is no such individual herb alone to be considered useful for promoting the fertility. A combination of herbs are used to treat infertility by correcting the functional problem or organic that causes infertility.

There are ayurvedic herbs used for the treatment of infertility like Ovulation disorder, Premature ovarian failure (POF), Pelvic inflammatory disease, blocked fallopian tubes and adhesions.

Premature ovarian failure- Jeevanti, Ashoka, Dashmoola, Guduchi and Shatavari.

Ovulation disorder- Guggulu, Ashoka, Aloe vera, Dashmoola and Shatavari.

Pelvic inflammatory disease, Adhesions (scar tissue) and blocked fallopian tubes- Punarnava and Guduchi



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