Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurvedic Remedies For Cold

Ayurvedic Remedies For Cold

The day has differences in temperature up to 10-degree Celsius and exhibits heavy showers turning fall into the perfect cold season. Our immune system gets weaker when the vitamin D supply decreases. It is essential to strengthen the body from within, leaving no room for the pathogens. Ayurveda can help to get rid of the cold very quickly, as the indications may vary from dosha to dosha. The Vata people suffer from dry cough, dry mucus and hoarseness.

Treat your Stiff Neck with Home Remedies

Treat your Stiff Neck with Home Remedies

We do experience stiff neck at one point of our life time. A stiff neck is characterized by the pain and difficulty of the neck movements. The neck becomes sore and tender. This usually happens when a person with a stiff neck tries to move their head from one side to another side. An extremely annoying stiff neck brings irritating discomforts like neck pains, headaches, arm or shoulder pains. This makes the person experience to turn their body sideways or whichever


Ayurvedic Remedies for Problems Faced by Women

Women undergo some common problems like irregular periods, premenstrual pain, acne, menstrual pain and anaemia. Certain allopathic medicines are available for these kinds of problems but taking painkillers or leaning on self-medication is not a good option. Switching to ayurvedic treatments can prevent the problems women face. Herbs can ease the pain and the discomfort women undergo. The option can be ayurvedic treatment for the painful menstruation. Every woman does face certain difficulties during menstruation such as

Ayurvedic Remedies For Migraine Relief

Ayurvedic Remedies For Migraine Relief

Migraine gets relieved by freshly brewed peppermint tea or even by massaging your temples with peppermint oil and leaving it on for at least half an hour A sleep of at least 7-8 hours every night should be ensured A cup of ginger tea helps to cope with the symptoms of migraine e.g. nausea Some Yoga asanas (poses) can be effective to relieve aches. For example, hastapadasana (standing forward bend), setu bandhasana (bridge pose), balasana (child pose), marjariasana (cat stretch), Paschimottanasana (two-legged forward

Get relief from Constipation with Ayurvedic Remedies

Get relief from Constipation with Ayurvedic Remedies

Although constipation is not an ailment, it is among the common health conditions faced by people of all ages. Constipation, according to Ayurveda is a state of Vata’s dry & cold attributes, thereby hampering colon function. Ayurvedic treatment helps provide relief and cleanse naturally the digestive tract. Stomach gas build up in the intestines, causing stomach ache, headaches, flatulence, foul breath, bloated feeling, distention and appetite loss. Constipation may lead to heartburn, acne, mouth ulcers, disturbed sleep, and in

Healthy Hair: Ayurvedic Guide

Healthy Hair: Ayurvedic Guide

Healthy hair reflects the vata, kapha and pitta ratio present in your constitution. It is really rare to come cross someone having any such hair constitution exclusively. Ayurvedic Hair Types Healthy Kapha type: It is typically thick, coarse, strong, full, lustrous and wavy. Healthy Pitta type: It is soft, straight, moderate thick, predictable and fine. Healthy Vata type: It is relatively thin and coarse, curly, straight or perhaps combination of both, bit unruly and grows quickly. Common Imbalances Imbalances might affect both hair appearance and strength.

Indian Ayurvedic Therapies

Indian Ayurvedic Therapies

Ayurveda is referred to as knowledge of life. Ayu means Life and Veda stands for Knowledge. In India, Ayurveda is being practiced for over 1000’s of years. Lord Vishnu’s avatar, Lord Dhanwantri is revered and considered to be ‘God of Ayurveda’. Ayurvedic origins can be found in Arthaveda, comprising of 114 hymns describing about treatments and medicines for chronic and acute ailments affected in human beings. The objective of Ayurveda is to maintain the individual’s social, mental and physical health.

Ancient Ayurveda & Ayurvedic remedies

Ancient Ayurveda & Ayurvedic remedies

Srila Vysadeva, a highly learned sage, dating back to over 5,000 years is credited with writing the Vedas, namely, Rig Ved, Yajur Ved, Sama Ved and Atharva Ved. It is during this period that Ayurveda & Ayurvedic remedies are said to have originated. Ayurveda is a branch present within the Vedas, and stands for ‘Science of Life’. Ayurveda is indeed elixir of life, as it discusses on how mere changing of food habits depending upon body type and needs (Doshas like

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