Kerala Ayurveda Treatment for Hemorrhoids

According to Ayurveda, there are three types of bodies, or doshas: Pitta, Vata, and Kapha. Each one is connected to a different element: fire (pitta), air (vata), and water (kapha). A person whose dominant dosha is one of these has certain physical or emotional traits.

Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and rectum or near them. They can be inside or outside the body. Some signs of haemorrhoids (also called piles) are:

  • pain or a swollen, itchy area around the anus
  • pain when going to the bathroom
  • bleeding when or after going to the bathroom
  • Pain and irritation around the anus

The goal is to keep each dosha in balance, which can be done through diet, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies.

It is very important to be sure you have haemorrhoids. There are a few ways to treat haemorrhoids with Ayurvedic medicine , which you could also try.

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Types of haemorrhoids depending on the dosha

According to Ayurveda, the type of haemorrhoids you get depends on your dominant dosha:

  • People who have a lot of pitting disease may have soft, red haemorrhoids that bleed. They may also feel thirsty, have a fever, and have diarrhoea.
  • Vata people may have severe pain, trouble going to the bathroom, and black haemorrhoids.
  • People who are Kapha might have trouble digesting food and have large, white, soft haemorrhoids.

Ayurvedic Remedy

Holistic methods are used in Ayurvedic treatments for haemorrhoids. People who have haemorrhoids and want to try to treat them with Ayurvedic medicine can use herbal remedies, lifestyle changes, and non-invasive procedures.

Medication or Bhaisajya Chikitsa

Most small haemorrhoids can only be fixed with medicine. Unless your haemorrhoids are very bad, you don’t need to do anything else. In the worst situations, medicines may be used along with other methods.

Your Ayurvedic practitioner will use your dosha to decide which medicines to give you and what dietary or lifestyle changes to suggest to keep the problem from coming back.

The alkaline paste Kshara is used to treat haemorrhoids. The paste is made from a mix of herbs, and it is very hot. The paste kills haemorrhoids with chemicals.

The Kshara Karma method is thought to be the best way to treat haemorrhoids in Ayurveda.

Depending on your dosha type, you may be told to take medicine to bring your body back into balance while you heal. You may also need to change what you eat and how you live to help the healing process.

Surgical Intervention or Sastra Chikitsa

Your ayurvedic expert may suggest the Kshara Sutra as a treatment. Kshara sutra uses a special thread with medicine on it to tie off a haemorrhoid at its base.

This will give the haemorrhoid 7–10 days to get smaller. This option will only be thought of if other treatments don’t work.

When treating you, your ayurvedic practitioner will think about your dosha. You will need certain herbs to help your body heal after surgery. To keep haemorrhoids from coming back, you also need to make some permanent changes to your diet, exercise, and other things.

Cleaning or Agni Karma

Infrared heat can be used to sterilise haemorrhoids on the outside of the body. The person who practises Ayurveda may offer to burn off the haemorrhoids. Before this therapy works, it might take five to six sessions over the same number of weeks. Again, your dosha will be taken into account before medical care is given. There is a chance that this procedure will make the pain worse.

Even though Ayurvedic treatments for haemorrhoids seem to be safe and effective, it’s important to look at all of your options. Before you decide what to do, talk to your doctor and practitioner.

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Matt India offers a wide range of treatments, from Panchakarma to rejuvenation. Matt India has facilities for a wide range of Ayurvedic therapies that are up to the highest standards and most authentic practises from the Vedic period. It also has a team of skilled doctors and experienced therapists to help with these therapies. Care starts with a specific diagnosis, which helps the doctors come up with a specific treatment plan.



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