Should and Should Nots, From Pregnancy to Delivery

Should and Should Nots, From Pregnancy to Delivery

The prenatal period is the time for proper care and attention to the mother’s health. There are a lot of things that a mother may think are unimportant, but in reality, are not. Through Ayurveda, you can clearly understand what little things to take care of, what activities need to be avoided and what needs to deliberately be done.

What a to-be Mother SHOULD do

It is important that the mother takes measures and does things that make her happy. Pick up a hobby, or listen to music, be around jovial people.

It has an impact on the child inside her womb. Wearing simple, airy and clean clothes will keep her comfortable and good hygiene will keep her from contracting diseases.

Consumption of natural supplements and fruits rich in fibre will provide the nutrition she needs. Taking a glass of mill along with it will help her give the child the calcium the body needs.

Upon reaching the fifth month of pregnancy, applying oil on the body and gently massing it will help soothe the mother. It can be followed by a warm bath to maximize relaxation.

What a to-be Mother SHOULD NOT do

There are more things that one does casually that needs to be taken care of. Stuff that might seem negligible but can have a large impact in the long run, if it isn’t paid attention to. Ayurveda prescribes the most natural care possible and suggests that instead of taking medications for problems that may arise, eradicate the problems altogether by preventing them from happening. This can be done by keeping several things in mind and taking precautions.

First off, maintaining a healthy routine is important, so sleeping late and making stressful schedules for the day must at any cost be avoided.

Mothers must avoid at all cost interactions with people and entertainment sources that can cause mental stress or sadness.

Any physical exertion must be avoided. Squatting can change the position of the baby in the womb to an undesirable one and also cause pain. Mothers should also avoid lifting objects that are heavy in weight or bend a certain way for a long time. Physical exertion also includes excessive sex. That should also be moderated.

The diet should be carefully watched. A to-be mother at no cost should overeat or fast. Any kind of extreme is bad. The key is moderation. Even taste-wise, extremely hot or spicy food should be avoided. Fermented, stale and dry foods are a no-no. Mothers should also steer clear of alcohol throughout their pregnancy.

Discomfort causing situations must be avoided. That includes travelling uneven terrains, wearing tight clothes and belts, and visiting places that might cause uneasiness.

Now you can avail home consultation in Kochi & Alappuzha for Ayurveda postnatal Care / Prasava Raksha / Post Delivery Care Call : +91 9072344343



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