Treating Cervical Spondylosis with Ayurveda

Treating Cervical Spondylosis with Ayurveda


Many people developing cervical spondylosis do not show any significant symptoms. However, symptoms may range from severe to mild conditions. It may occur suddenly or even gradually. One symptom that is generally related to cervical spondylosis is extreme pain faced around shoulder blade. Pain may even be experienced in fingers and around the arm, which only may increase when sitting, standing, sneezing, tilting the neck backwards or coughing.

Cervical spondylosis, in Ayurveda, is called ‘Griva Sandhigata Vata’. Our body’s principle movement is governed by Vata, considered to be main function in skeleton muscular system. Hence, Vata vitiation causes problems in such systems.

Two mechanisms may cause vata vitiation, namely

  • Vata aggravation or increase in Vata
  • Pitta and Kapha malfunctioning, thereby causing in Vata obstruction

As per Ayurveda, cervical spondylosis treatment involves Ama (toxin) elimination and detoxification performed using herbal preparations, lifestyle and Vata pacifying diet.



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